motivation is her make up

continue to smile. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah!


smiles. Alhamdulillah. The rough journey of 2010 had made her the person she is today.
Nobody knows what the following 365 days would offer to her, but one things for sure, she will try her best not to trip twice, walk every single step with a much more positive attitude, a big huuge heart & believes that she have the most Mightiest, The Most Intelligent, The most Delicate Force with her; Allah Azzawajal. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

you are special

dedicating this wonderful song to...



well, sometimes we need to feel izzah with ourself kan.
and we need to feel that we're designed exclusively from our beloved Creator.
we need to feel special, and we need to feel unique.

so this song suites so much much
i feel loooved~ :D

and again, i am dedicating this song, for,
my self.


kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.