motivation is her make up

continue to smile. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah!


smiles. Alhamdulillah. The rough journey of 2010 had made her the person she is today.
Nobody knows what the following 365 days would offer to her, but one things for sure, she will try her best not to trip twice, walk every single step with a much more positive attitude, a big huuge heart & believes that she have the most Mightiest, The Most Intelligent, The most Delicate Force with her; Allah Azzawajal. :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Climb

kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.


I was confused and I was afraid.
"Held your head up high."
"Dont let failures fail you!"
"What ever path you go, dont let her down"
"God have the answer"
"Make this as a challenge, a driving force for you to move on"
"Most successful people have many challenges in their life. its called determination"
"This is a way for you to shine in the future"

Alhamdulillah Allah sent me confidence and motivation trough my beloved lecturer.

Thank you Allah
for erasing away all the doubt and worries.

I love You.
kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


17 hari merangkak (berlari?) masuk 2012

yang sering dimohon,
adalah keikhlasan.

kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

nota kaki : pengharapan itu menghidupkan, meski ianya menyeksakan. maka Tuhan, Engkau ikhlaskanlah.

Monday, July 18, 2011

a song for you.

feeling like holding tightly hands of my beloved friend,
and sing this song for her


indeed, you are precious
really precious.


Oh muslimah
Allah cinta kepadamu
Rasulullah kasih kepadamu

Oh muslimah
Berbahagialah kau telah dilahirkannya dengan mulia

Tuhan telah berkati wanita yang cukup ilmu
Rendah hati

Oh muslimah
busanamu menutup rapi
auratmu kau lindungi dengan indahnya

Oh muslimah
kau rajin memuji
Islam kau jadikan ikutan sejati

Oh muslimah
memandangmu menyejuk hati
menundukkan nafsu hati yang goyah
Keayuan wanita solehah indah peribadi
Tulus hatinya

Oh muslimah
Kecantikan yang sebenar
Pada tutur kata penuh berhikmah

Mempertahan kehormatan dirimu
dengan pakaian mentaati Allah

Oh muslimah
Kau masuk ke syurga
Solat lima waktu dan berpuasa
Menundukkan pandangan matamu
Mentaati suami yang tercinta

Oh muslimah
Kau rajin mengaji
Islam kau jadikan
Ikutan sejati

sungguh benarlah,
seindah-indah perhiasan,
adalah wanita solehah.

and i hope to be one too.


kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Kau berikanku segala-galanya
dan Kau mengujiku dengan cinta dunia
yang sungguh indah dan
Kau hiaskannya dengan intan permata
dengan jua wanita
dan kedudukan yang memalingkanku

Dalam menikmati kurniaan-Mu
tak terucap lafaz terima kasihku
namun untuk jadi yang terbaik
juga masih belum kumampu

Dalam sujud cintaku
fanaku diulit rindu
getirnya cemas di kalbu
takut hidup tanpa redha-Mu

Hanya kerna-Mu Tuhanku
aku hidup dan ku akan
kembali pada-Mu
hanya pada-Mu dalam
sujud cintaku.


terdengar lagu ini secara tidak sengaja.
dan tanpa sedar,
hati terasa sangat hiba.
dan tahu-tahu sahaja,
air mata gugur satu persatu..


"takut hidup tanpa redha-Mu"

kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

Monday, June 13, 2011

hingga ke syurga

pasangan pertama batch ALM8

pernikahan boleh menjadi medan dosa (andai tanggungjawab tak terlaksana)
dan juga, medan mengaut sebanyak-banyak pahala!

"solat seorang yang sudah bernikah akan diganjarkan 70 kali ganda"
khutbah tok imam yang akan saya ingat sampai bila-bila.


semoga kalian sentiasa bahagia;
hingga ke syurga.


kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

after yesterday

this is how im feeling like now.

Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand Hold it tight

For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm

This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

theoretically, i should be crying right now.
but dont worry, i didnt. and insyaAllah i wouldnt.
ive transformed to that strong tough young lady.
(as if.. hehe)

When destiny calls you
You must be strong

I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on

one paper left.
so come on, finish this once and for all!


you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart, always

Ijj'lal, rezeki Allah, ada di mana-mana.

kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

note :
1. i just minimized the video since i dont think the graphic offered was quite proper. mula2 tadi tak tgk, dengar je. sekali tgk macam kureng pula. forgive me. hehe...
2. dont get mistaken, im not referring to a particular person. i beleive, whatever happen, i will always have people around me that would support me in every single way and accept me as who i am.. esp my familiy. :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

my story

this, is my story

kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


there are at times,
that I just feel like freezing the time.
and ignore every single pain of truth.

Allahu Allah..
I know You hear me.

kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

Monday, April 25, 2011

a snap

cubaan tanpa function "intelligent auto".
foto asli tanpa edit.
(melainkan crop)

obviously not perfect,
but.. starting to get used to it.


kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.