motivation is her make up

continue to smile. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah!


smiles. Alhamdulillah. The rough journey of 2010 had made her the person she is today.
Nobody knows what the following 365 days would offer to her, but one things for sure, she will try her best not to trip twice, walk every single step with a much more positive attitude, a big huuge heart & believes that she have the most Mightiest, The Most Intelligent, The most Delicate Force with her; Allah Azzawajal. :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Puji dan syukur kpd Allah.., atas nikmat bernafas..
7 ramadhan 1431H


we was just admiring the mood in tree.
- Yes, its so lovely this year... =)

the blossoms reach for the sunlight above,
yet... unseen, the roots reach the rainwater below..


sun.. and rain.
so different, yet, only by working together
do they create harmony, and life. :)

sy tersenyum.
dalam sungguh maknanya.

dialog diambil dari movie mulan 2.
i had always loved disneys movies.
dan kegemaran saya adalah lion king, dan mulan.
mulan 2 was ok. but mulan 1 was much better.
siri 1 selalunya lebih baik jika hendak dibandingkan dengan sequel nya. kan?

apa-apa sahajalah..

so different, yet, only by working together
do they create harmony, and life. :)

perbezaan, yang melengkapkan.
dengan syarat adanya pemahaman, toleransi, dan kerjasama.
itulah, erti sebuah kebersamaan. kan?

bahasa moden dan canggihnya :...... sinergi!


astaghfirullah. *blank*
saya tidak mampu menyusun kata lagi.
ada rasa tak mahu publish posting ni.
tapi dah alang-alang tulis, publish shj lah kan..

lepas ni nak cuba tulis posting pendek pendek sahajalah.
biar pendek, asalkan berisi. :)

kerana syurga itu, aspirasiku.

bisik : post ditulis pd 17 ogos tapi dipublish pd 18 ogos. dengan tarikh 17 ogos..
kan dah kata xnak publish. tp publish jugak. hehe..

(Memberi hormat dengan berkata): “Selamat sejahteralah kamu berpanjangan,
disebabkan kesabaran kamu.
Maka amatlah baiknya balasan amal kamu di dunia dahulu.

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